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Health and Wellness
According to the ADA, healthy foods like leafy greens help your teeth stay strong and even help your mouth clear bacteria and acid from their surface. How often are you incorporating lettuce into your child’s diet?
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Just like your skin, your car can burn from too much exposure to UV light. Try parking in the garage or a shady spot this summer to prevent oxidized paint and cracks in your dashboard.
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Real Estate
An experienced agent won’t just care about how much you’re pre-approved for, but also how much you’re comfortable paying every month once you factor in things like maintenance and potential HOA assessments. As your guide, I’ll keep all costs in consideration!
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Chocolate isn’t the sole food that’s lethal to dogs. Xylitol, bread dough, grapes, and macadamia nuts can also cause severe illness or death. Make sure you’re properly storing these items away from your pup!
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Plants and flowers can enhance your space by bringing in subtle pops of color and pleasant natural scents. Living rooms and bedroom nightstands are perfect for bud vases with a few fresh-cut, slim flowers. Call us at (505) 556-5555 to breathe new life into your home.
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Real Estate
Organization is key for a successful move! Before you begin packing your boxes, take inventory of what you have and what you want to bring with you. The rest you can sort into piles for donations, giveaways, or to sell. The work you do upfront will make moving day a breeze!
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Road safety starts with your tires. As the treads wear down and become smooth, your vehicle will lose traction and the likelihood of a blowout will increase.
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It doesn’t matter where you start on your journey to wellness — it only matters that you do. #aerobics #WalkingClubs #PersonalTraining #Zumba #Pilates #cycling #WaterFitness
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When you’re packing for your next adventure, be sure to double-check your suitcase for essentials like toothpaste or any needed medications. These are some of the most commonly forgotten items!

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Today is National Tourism Day! We love meeting people from all over the world in our hotel. Where have you traveled recently that you really enjoyed? Pictures are encouraged!

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Service Area Business

Is your roof over 10 years old? Based on extensive research, older roofs are more likely to receive serious damage than newer ones. As a result, most insurance companies require all shingles to be replaced after 10 years.

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Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. Drinking more water makes you less likely to suffer from scars, wrinkles, and soft lines. Want more tips for great skin? Ask us the next time you’re here for an appointment! #TonesDaySpa

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